
Review of Stalkmarket 32-Ounce Barrel Bowl, 300-Count Case

Contrary to the prior review that these bowls aren't sturdy, I wanted to add my own voice to say that I have actually found the opposite to be the case.They are so robust, in fact, that I often freeze items in them (using the sold-separately lids,) microwave the bowl and contents, and then eat right out of the container.

As an added bonus, they are eco-friendly.I believe they are made from a by-product of the sugar refining process that would otherwise go to waste, which just strikes me as tremendously cool.

I haven't used any other stalkmarket products, but I can unreservedly recommend these bowls and lids.

Product Description
Stalkmarket earth friendly paper tableware are made from sugar cane fiber that is a waste product of the sugar refining process.

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